Thursday, December 22, 2011

Best Ways to cope with Morning Sickness

Does your stomach agitate every time when you visualize anything cooked using heavy oils such as fried eggs or fries? Does the smell of coffee or garlic made you sick? Maybe, you have pregnancy sickness. Pregnancy is a precious gift from God and blessing in itself. These nine months of expectation are time of waiting, hoping and preparing for a new life to enter the world. But, this amazing ride often comes with the pregnancy sickness i.e. the nauseated, queasy feeling and often vomiting that most of pregnant women get, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. Early morning is a common time of pregnancy sickness so it is often referred as ‘Morning Sickness'. In pregnancy, approximately 50% of women experience vomiting and about 70% experience nausea in the first trimester.

Best Ways to cope with Morning Sickness

In the morning or early in the day, morning sickness is typically at its worst. Morning sickness doesn’t harm the unborn child or the woman in most of cases. In most women, it begins around the 4th week of pregnancy and tends to peak around the 12th week. But, 1 in 5 women suffer from morning sickness into their 2nd semester. The symptoms of morning sickness include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and psychological effects, such as anxiety and depression. Weight loss and dehydration are the symptoms of severe morning sickness and it needs prompt medical attention. So, how to cope with the Morning Sickness? Consider some of the ways provided below to deal with your morning sickness.

Possible causes of Morning Sickness

Till now, the cause of the morning sickness is a mystery. However, scientists consider it as a combination of physical and metabolic factors which include:
  • High circulating levels of the hormones, including oestrogen
  • Blood pressure fluctuations, particularly low blood pressure
  • Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia
  • Altered carbohydrates’ metabolism
  • An increase in sensitivity to odors that overstimulates normal nausea triggers
  • The interplay of huge physical and chemical changes
During the pregnancy, hormones secreted by the body affect all organs and prepare the body to sustain new life. These hormones are responsible for sickness as a means of defending the foetus from injurious substances. One study has also suggested that women who experience bad sickness throughout pregnancy are less prone to miscarriage, and hence the sickness generally stops after the development of major organs of the baby.

Ways to cope with Morning Sickness

Get Relaxed with Lying Down

Sometimes the simplest solution works best. Make an attempt to lie down; close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and just get some rest. Sleep is one of the best ways to run away morning sickness, according to many doctors and moms. Your body also requires it! Having difficulty catching those sleeps? Try wearing a sleep mask to get closer to sleep. If you already have a young kid, carry a babysitter in (for just a few hours a day) as it will help you to come up to the some much required R&R.

Stay Hydrated

To stay hydrated, drink eight glasses of water a day as minimum. It sounds like a stupendous effort when your stomach won’t stay anything down. The more dehydrated you become, more nauseated you’ll become so it becomes essential to get your liquids in. For getting maximum amount of liquids, try different ways of triggering your body into accepting fluids. Salty snacks like cheese curls and potato chips settle the stomachs and thereby activate their thirst. Sipping ice cold water, crunching on ice chips or piping hot beverages also helps.

Be a grazer

Rather than including three large meals, eat 6 to 8 small meals throughout the day. On an empty stomach, the acids have nothing to eat and so stomach lining raises the feelings of nausea during pregnancy. Conversely, eating too much can overburden the digestive system that also leads to quease. Keeping your stomach a little bit occupied all day and all night is the best protection against morning sickness. Additionally, smaller meals are very easier to digest and less probable to trigger the queasiest feeling (or to overflow via vomiting). At all times, keep a snack stash, including crackers, dried fruit, pretzels, and nuts nearby.

Smelling Freshly Cut Lemons

Morning sickness is often related with smell. For the sense of smell, estrogen is the responsible hormone. So, when high estrogen hormone women get pregnant, they have the radar nose of pregnancy. Such kinds of women get nauseous feeling from ugly smells, potent smells and smells that they can't get away from. When you can’t walk away, try inhaling fresh scents like freshly cut lemons or oranges. Always keep a bottle of lemon extract or a twig of fresh rosemary in bag, and surreptitiously sneak breathe in when required.

Be Creative with Ginger

Many scientific studies have shown that ginger helps to reduce nausea and vomiting during the pregnancy. As well, ginger has long been regarded as a stomach soother since ancient time. Try adding a thin slice of ginger to tea or hot water, or try foods with ginger such as ginger snaps, ginger candies, gingerbread, real ginger ale, or ginger drinks.

Divert Yourself

Nauseous feeling is not easy to ignore but diverting your mind to something other may help you to forget it for a while. Concentrate your mind in reading a book or solving a Sudoku puzzle. You can also go for a short walk; some expectant moms even assert that exercise alleviates their nausea, however ensure to converse with your doctor before going to that route. If you start feeling tired or queasier, listening to your body will greatly help you.

Consider Taking Prenatal Vitamins

Don’t forget to take your prenatal vitamins in the evenings; as well ensure that they are iron-free, at least until the morning sickness during 1st trimester goes away. Consider to take those vitamins with a meal. Coated or chewable vitamins may agree with your tummy more. Converse with your physician about taking vitamin B6 as it has been proven to relieve the symptoms of morning sickness. It’s significant not to allow morning sickness to go too far at all costs as the calorie deprivation, starvation, and dehydration state is really harmful for the baby.

Track Nausea

Your nausea may seem to go as it pleases. However, by fine-tuning into your surroundings and your body, you might discover that your morning sickness isn’t so indiscriminate. If you find yourself getting queasier at the same time each evening, it may be due to the smells of your neighbors’ cooking. Are you getting nauseated at 3 p.m. every day? A colleague’s afternoon microwave popcorn routine could be the culprit. By this way, you can find your sickness triggers and take the suitable steps to avoid them anywhere possible.

Stick to Foods That Work for You

Find foods that appeal even if eating is the last thing you desire. Avoid consumption of any dishes that activate the queasies (fatty, acidic, spicy foods and something having a strong aroma may be particularly challenging). In spite of that, you should consume few healthy foods which can keep you down and ensure that you are getting most of the nutritional requirements. Many women have found that it is easier to keep down certain kinds of food. Every expectant mom and every queasy tummy is different. Although there is no hard-and-fast law regarding which foods work best for all morning sick moms-to-be, spicy and fatty foods have upsetting effect on stomachs.

Holistic Approach

Seasick wristbands are little acupressure bracelets that believed to be related to relieving nausea and vomiting whether it is sea, motion, or morning sickness. These wristbands sit on a specific place on wrist and work by applying little pressure to a spot positioned inside the wrist, which assumed to be linked to the induced nausea and vomiting. Many women find that wearing them throughout the day assists with the nastiest of their morning sickness.

Morning sickness can erode a new mom's health, energy, and hope in her pregnancy. At that time, family or friends can help to ease her suffering by reminding that she is not alone in her suffering. So, the new mom feels love and support. Another idea to comfort her is to pray to god for giving her energy, restful sleep, and hope for the future!


Hello! I just want to thank you for posting some tip's about morning sickness, this Idea really help me a lot.

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