Friday, April 13, 2012

10 True Myths about Foods: Know the reality

Food is something without which life cannot be imagined. Apart from curbing hunger it also has been used as a hangover cure, as an aphrodisiac, as medicine to grow hair, increase muscles, promote sleep and for many other tasks. Many food myths have always been linked with the food and these myths have passed on through generations. Almost all food myths are of ethnic, regional or folklore types. Many of them are true and many are false as well. Sometimes, we get confused which of the food myths are true and which are false? Some of the food myths are certainly true, but many of us consider them as false; such typed myths are briefed out here for you.
10 True Myths about Foods: Know the reality
1. Cherries can reduce pain and inflammation

Many people consider it as a myth but, it is a fact that cherries can reduce your pain and inflammation. Actually, cherries are composed of a phytonutrient called Anthocyanins that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. A study by the Agricultural Research Service revealed that cherries fight inflammation linked to heart disease, arthritis and cancer. Anthocyanins can help relieve pain by blocking the enzymes that causes tissue inflammation and by neutralizing free radicals that contribute to inflammation.

2. Jell-O is made from animal bones

Almost every child loves Jell-O. It is generally used in homes for various making delicacies like puddings, fruit gels, cream pies and much more. But, have you ever wondered from what it is being made? According to you, it is made up from gelatin, water, sugar and some artificial flavors. But, do you know what gelatin actually is composed of? You may be shocked to know that your favorite gelatin is produced by boiling the bones, skins, and connective tissues of pigs and cows. A protein rich substance called collagen is released from it, which is then boiled and filtered again and again until being ground into a powder. Since gelatin is so heavily processed, the government has not classified it as an animal product, but many strict vegetarians avoid it.

3. Drinking water helps weight loss

Drinking large amounts of water before eating your meal is very effective and natural weight loss tip. It will help you control your cravings, curb your hunger and prevent you from stuffing yourself with multiple servings. Drinking water before meal means your body will be able to accommodate a smaller amount only. Smaller meals allows for the body to work in a more efficient manner and burn the stored fat. Similarly, when you drink water in the morning you will feel less appetite as you already have the water in the stomach which fool the brain for thinking that you are not hungry.

4. Parsley is good for a bad mouth

If you are tired of the discomfort and embarrassment in society due to a bad mouth, then try parsley, it will definitely help you get rid of this problem. Parsley is an herb that contains antiseptic properties which help to kill bacteria in the mouth. It also has chlorophyll which is recognized as a breath freshener. So chew fresh parsley after every meal to fresh your breath. By chewing it, you can enhance the flow of saliva as well. This herb is also very helpful in working against the smells of onions and garlic.

5. Canned tuna is healthier than fresh tuna

Tuna is a rich protein source containing omega-3 fatty acids that support a healthy heart and brain function and development. Tuna is available in fresh as well as in the canned form. The canned tuna comes in chunk light and albacore varieties. The chunk light tuna contains less mercury as compared to the albacore types, making it a healthier option. Tuna is also available in raw steaks that vary in the fat content. Fresh tuna is composed of a higher amount of mercury than canned tuna, so canned tuna is still a healthier choice.

6. Red food colorants are made from ground up insects

Red food colorants are used in a variety of food products including fruit juices, cakes and candies. They make it more appealing to consumers. What most consumers do not know is that this red colorant (better known as carmine) is actually made from beetles. The beetles are harvested specially to extract the carminic acid that makes the familiar red food coloring. Carmine is not harmful yet it is disgusting. Manufacturers harvest the female beetles, dactylopius coccus which exists on opuntia plants. The harvesting is done after the females have fertilized the eggs.

7. Honey does not spoil

Honey is one of the oldest food sources ever known. It tastes great and it is very beneficial for health. Apart from this, the greatest property of honey is that it is one of the few food items that do not spoil. You can place it anywhere for thousands of years and it will not go bad. In fact, edible honey has been found in ancient Egyptian Pharaoh King Tut’s tomb.

8. Skipping breakfast causes weight gain

Many people skip their breakfast believing that it will help their weight loss. But they do not know that the fact is just the opposite. If you skip your breakfast, you may tend to overeat later in the day. Prolonged fasting also results in abnormal insulin production, which contributes to weight gain. Eating breakfast increases energy levels which makes you more active during the day. Experts recommend for eating 4 to 5 small and healthy meals every day, including breakfast, for optimal weight control.

9. Eating slowly contributes faster weight loss

If you slow down the eating speed, you will eventually consume lesser food. It is a common belief that satiety comes from the stomach, however, the truth is that satiety is a feeling which originates in the brain. When you have consumed enough food, the brain receives a signal from the body and creates a feeling of satiety which makes you stop eating. However, it takes some time for this communication to get completed. While eating fast, you will consume more food at the time when the body and brain are working to activate a satiety reaction. If you consume a little less quantity of food in every meal, it will ultimately lead you to the significant weight loss.

10. Vitamin B content of milk is lost to half on being kept for 2 hours

Milk is known as a beneficial drink for human health. Many other food items including butter, curd, buttermilk, cheese, ice creams, milk shakes, chocolates, etc. are being made from it everyday. Milk contains high vitamin B content. But very few people know that within 2 hours of standing in daylight, it loses about half to two thirds of its vitamin B content.

Top 10 True Food Myths video from youtube:


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